Sensor Network for Intelligent Predictive Enterprise – SNIPE – will create an AI enabled IoT system for machinery revamping in foundries to monitor performance and enable predictive maintenance with an effective control framework for cybersecurity compliance.

SNIPE is a 12-month use case demonstrator addressing the Foundry and Casting industry. Granted by the project “TRINITY”, which received funding by the European Commission’s programme “Robotics – Digital Innovation Hubs”.

The project partners are: FAE Technology – Beneficiary Coordinator – Kilometro Rosso and Arizzi Fonderie


On factory floors, air quality is affected by the emissions of the industrial machinery and of the chemical compounds involved in the process – above all Particulate Matter PM¹ˉ¹ºµ and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), dangerous to the human health and the environment.

Diverse technologies are currently employed to sanitize the air on factory floors, ultimately eliminating polluting agents and abating bacterial and viral charges. The Green Factory project aims at employing an ‘hybrid’ technological mix (new, with IP potential) of PCO [Photo Catalytic Oxidation] and UVC [Ultra Violet Categories].

The project partners are: Losma – Beneficiary Coordinator – FAE Technology and MA.EL


IRCRAM 4.0 – International Research Center for Robot and Additive Manufacturing 4.0 – is a 30-month project that aims to develop production techniques in the field of Additive Manufacturing and robotics for the processing of advanced materials for large products. The project is funded by the Research and Innovation Call HUB of the POR FESR (European Regional Development Fund) program of the Lombardy Region.

The partnership is made up as follows: Camozzi Group – project leader – FAE Technology, Italian Institute of Technology, Kilometro Rosso, D&G Impianti Elettrici.


Funded under the Open Calls of the H2020 DIH-WORLD project, whose scope is to accelerate the uptake of advanced digital technologies by European manufacturing SMEs in all sectors strengthening at the same time the capacities of regional DIHs, particularly in underrepresented regions across Europe,  DE-HEAT is an experiment aimed at realizing and testing an innovative 3D printed heat sink for CPU electronic modules, to be developed and validated through a series of functional testing and quality controls within a real use-case application of a HMI device. Further, DE-HEAT will demonstrate how the 3D printed heat sink can improve prototyping, preproduction as well as product development in terms of costs reduction and time to market. Duration october 2022 – april 2023, total budget 38.661 Euro


  • PMI: FAE Technology SPA – Società Benefit – evaluation of the heat sink performance and testing in a real use-case application
  • DIH: AFIL – Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia – Dissemination