FAE Technology believes in innovation and digital, principles that drive the company’s approach and philosophy as well as key enablers of electronic technology in traditional and non-traditional contexts.

The development and implementation of open innovation and collaborative design activities are the key elements of the proposal to the market, especially for all new sectors affected by high innovation rate and high growth potential.


Research and Development activities, carried out in-house and through European and national funding for research and innovation, enable PoCs to experiment with cutting-edge technologies to increase competitive advantage and corporate know-how, to the benefit of customers and the company itself.

FAE Technology collaborates with Enterprises, Research Centers, Institutions and Universities in the implementation of digital transformation projects aimed at products and services, especially for non-traditional sectors.


FAE Technology is a Benefit Company, believes in the social role of business and has always operated with the understanding that every company can do a lot for its people, the environment and the community in which it operates. Corporate culture starts with people; employees are involved in corporate welfare programs, supporting the professional development and well-being of the employee.

Through the assets of the innovation area, it supports attraction and recruiting processes by designing and implementing training projects in collaboration with other functions of the company, the local school system and various players in its ecosystem.

The social role of the company is also fulfilled through the implementation of concrete actions with a view to environmental sustainability, in order to implement and ensure increasingly conscious and sustainable choices for the company itself and the entire value chain.

FAE Technology is innovation, electronics technology, future.